Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018


Dr. Shreha Pathak, Dr. Kinnari Rathod, Dr. Jawahar Talsania, Dr Madhavi Raibagkar

Abstract :

Actinomycosis today is a rare disease affecting 1 in 3 lakhs people (0.0003%). It is a chronic  disease  caused  by  a  group  of  gram  positive,  anaerobic  bacteria,  namely Actinomyces  israelii,  that  normally  colonise  mouth,  colon  and  urogenital  tract. Infections involving cervicofacial area is the most common clinical presentation. 


The  diagnosis  is  made  by  histopathological  identification  of  organism  in  tissue biopsy.  Although  medical  therapy  alone  is  frequently  sufficient  for  cure,  combined medical–surgical  therapy  may  be  required  in  some  cases.  An  awareness  of  full spectrum of disease, prompting clinical suspicion, can expedite the diagnosis and treatment.


Due to its rarity and its propensity to mimic many other disease, there is a chance of missing  its  diagnosis  and  proper  treatment,  making  it  a  challenge.  We  have described a case of 40 year old male having cervical Actinomycosis with extensive distribution in the neck the larynx.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Dr. Shreha Pathak, Dr. Kinnari Rathod, Dr. Jawahar Talsania, Dr Madhavi Raibagkar, EXTENSIVE CERVICAL ACTINOMYCOSIS : A CASE REPORT, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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