Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Evaluation of the efficacy and utility of triple assessment in benign breast disease

Dr Supriya A. Pawar, Dr. Prasad D. Hake, Dr. Rajiv M. Mulmule

Abstract :

 Breast health awareness has resulted in increasing detection of early east cancer and corresponding decrease in east cancer

morbidity. About 80% of east biopsies result in a benign pathology. Practically every woman during a lifetime is either clinically
or radiologically evaluated for a east lesion. The most common symptoms are pain, lumpiness or a lump. Symptomatic east
lesions are traditionally evaluated by clinical, cytological and radiologic methods. Approximately 95% of symptomatic east
lesions will be diagnosed using one of these modalities.
The role of FNAC and USG in the diagnosis and management of east disease is increasing. But each of these diagnostic
modalities by itself has an appreciable false negative rate. This inaccuracy in diagnosis of east disease can be overcome by
combination of these diagnostic methods, by which sensitivity increases. A triple assessment combining all the three modalities is
normally done in a east lesion suspected to be malignant. It remains to be seen if the application of triple assessment in all east
lesions including benign, can be of help in coming to a correct diagnosis and would be cost effective.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Dr Supriya A. Pawar, Dr. Prasad D. Hake, Dr. Rajiv M. Mulmule, Evaluation of the efficacy and utility of triple assessment in benign breast disease, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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