Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2018

Evaluation Of Sutureless Mesh Repair Of Groin Hernia In Kashmiri Population

Malik Azad Hussain, Showkat Hussain Tali, Nisar Hussain Madni, Showkat Jeelani

Abstract :

 Aim: To study the sutureless hernia repair with reference to ease of procedure, hospital stay, ambulation, return to work, wound complications and recurrence rate.

Methods: This prospective observational study was conducted in the department of General Surgery, Govt. Medical College Srinagar. A total of 100 patients with groin hernia were enrolled in the study and were managed by sutureless hernioplasty using a patch prolene mesh without fixing it to the surrounding ligaments or aponeurotie structures. Several parameters were evaluated in the study including procedure, hospital stay, ambulation, return to work, wound complications and recurrence rate.

Results: All the patients were male and majority was in their 4th & 5th decades of life. In majority of the patients groin hernias were left sided (61%) and only 4% had bilateral hernias. Most of patients were ambulatory after 4 hrs of surgery. Post–operative hospital stay was 34.14 hours (Mean). Wound infection was found in 2%, Seroma colletion in 6% and wound haematoma in 2% of patients. Recurrence was noted in only one patient.

Conclusion: Sutureless mesh hernioplasty is feasible and effective and with low postoperative complication and recurrent rates.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Evaluation Of Sutureless Mesh Repair Of Groin Hernia In Kashmiri Population , Malik Azad Hussain, Showkat Hussain Tali, Nisar Hussain Madni, Showkat Jeelani , PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2018

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