Volume : IX, Issue : VIII, August - 2020

Epidemiologic and Clinical Characteristics of 46 Asymptomatic Patients Hospitalized with COVID-19

Dr. Sanjo K John, Dr. I. V. Ramachandra Rao, Dr. N. Padmaja, Dr. C. H. Bujjaiah, Mr. Tittu Thomas James

Abstract :

Coronavirus disease (COVID–19) is a pandemic disease as declared by WHO are is infected over 14 million people till date. The clinical spectrum of the disease varies between asymptomatic patients, mildly symptomatic, and those who are severely affected requiring ICU care. Although the clinical manifestations such as fever, cough, sore throat, loss of taste and smell, loose stools, fatigue, etc. are being expressed in patients in different proportions, patients who are infected with the disease and still show no signs and symptoms pose a threat. This is because they are very less likely to seek medical help after being infected, and would go undetected into the community as a carrier, and may spread the disease to others, which is still unclear. This study explains the epidemiological and clinical manifestations of asymptomatic patients admitted to our covid care centre in a span of 12 days. It may be imperative to increase the number of testing done within the community to identify the asymptomatic carriers of the disease to avoid a super spread event.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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EPIDEMIOLOGIC AND CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF 46 ASYMPTOMATIC PATIENTS HOSPITALIZED WITH COVID-19, Dr. Sanjo K John, Dr. I.V. Ramachandra Rao, Dr. N. Padmaja, Dr. C.H. Bujjaiah, Mr. Tittu Thomas James PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-8 | August-2020

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