Volume : VIII, Issue : V, May - 2019

Effectiveness of Modular Teaching in Rachana sharir - A Pilot Study

Dr Priti Desai, Dr Vedprakash Mishra, Dr Gaurav Sawarkar, Dr Amol Deshpande

Abstract :

The key purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of modular approach in teaching to assess the students learning, and to determine whether the modular teaching is more effective than traditional methods for further implementation. . This was an interventional with a post test only design. The study Population were 52 first year undergraduate students of Ayurveda The innovative modular teaching was pilot tested in the subject of Rachana sharir ( anatomy). The data was collected from both groups (controlled and experimental) analyzed and interpreted by using mean, standard deviation and t–test through the use of SIGMA STAT 31. The result scores were in the favor of usage of modular teaching approach. Hence it is recommended that the modular approach.should be widely used at various levels of education

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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EFFECTIVENESS OF MODULAR TEACHING IN RACHANA SHARIR‾A PILOT STUDY, Dr Priti Desai, Dr Vedprakash Mishra, Dr Gaurav Sawarkar, Dr Amol Deshpande PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2019

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