Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Effect of pectrolis minor mobilization Vs self stretching on forward head posture.

Snehal Samal

Abstract :

 Aims & Objectives :

=To determine effects of pectoralis minor mobilization and stretching on forward neck posture.
=To determine effects of pectoralis minor self stretching on forward neck posture.
Study design : Pre and post experimental design.
Sample Size :
=50 subjects
=Two groups– control group – 25 subjects
= Treatment group – 25 subjects
=19–40 yrs of age
Sample Technique: Purposive sampling
Sample technique : Simple random sampling technique.
Inclusion Criteria :
=Persons working for a prolong period of time (8–12hrs) in sitting posture (forward head with stooping upper back)
=Persons sitting without back support for 8–12 hrs.
Exclusion criteria :
=Persons having any injury or shoulder joint pathology
=Persons having upper respiratory and lower respiratory tract disease.
Material :A measuring tape, Plinth
Methodology: The subjects of forward head posture are selected and then the tightness of pectorali`s minor is measured from
acromion process and external auditory meatus in standing position against the wall. Then after given self stretching and soft
tissue mobilization the length is measured in a duration of 7 days, 14 days, and 21 days and thus the progress of treatment is
judged and compared.
Result:The treatment group shows highly significant improvement.
Conclusion:The subjects who are under treatment group found a reduction in FHP as measured from external
auditory meatus.

Keywords :

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Snehal Samal, Effect of pectrolis minor mobilization Vs self stretching on forward head posture., PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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