Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

Effect of Blended pedagogical model to enhance mathematical skills of Pre-service teachers

Mr. D. Kasi, Dr. N. Johnson

Abstract :

NCERT emphasizes learning as a self–learning participatory process taking place in social context of learner‘s as well as wider social context of the community to nation as a whole. It puts full faith in self learning capacity of school children and student teacher and evolving proper educative program for education. It views the learner as an active participative person in learning.Blend requires replacing one of our traditional approaches with online/offline activities and teaching. An attempt was made to implementBlended pedagogical model in enhancing mathematical skill of D.El.Ed, Pre–service teachers.The study wascarried out among 65Pre–service teachers(D.El.Ed.) of District Institute of Education and Training, Palayampatti, Virudhunagar District,Tamil Nadu.The creative blended pedagogical model hosted for 45 days. Skill test, Pre test, Post test1, and Post test 2 conducted. It is observedthat there are significant differences under Pre– Test, Post Test – 1, Post Test – 2 among control and experimental group.The major findings of the study reveal that Blended pedagogical model is effective in enhancing mathematical skills of Pre–service teachers. This study is beneficial to prospective teachers and teacher educators since it provide evidence of the best practice of technology mediated mathematics teaching learning process.

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Mr.D.Kasi, Dr.N.Johnson, Effect of Blended pedagogical model to enhance mathematical skills of Pre-service teachers, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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