Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Effect of Ageing On Number Of Mitral Cells And Glomeruli Of The Human Olfactory Bulb

Dr Monali D Sonawane, Dr Pravin Raghunath Rathod, Dr Aruna Mukherjee

Abstract :

Aims of the study–To detect changes in mitral cells and glomeruli of the human olfactory bulb in different age groups. Material – 22 ain specimens were collected from cadavers from Anatomy department of MGM Medical College, Navi Mumbai and from National Institute of Mental Health and Sciences (NIMHANS), Bangalore. Method–The study was carried out in 20 undemented specimen, divided into four groups (5 samples in each) according to age: group I (20–39yrs), group II(40–59yrs),group III (60–79yrs),group IV(80 yrs and above) and 2 specimen of Alzheimer’s disease as a control group. Numbers of glomeruli and mitral cells of olfactory bulb were calculated from H &E and Luxol fast blue stained sections respectively.Results–There was significant reduction in number of glomeruli and mitral cells in group III,IV and control group as compare to group I and II (p<0.001).Laminar architecture significantly lost in group III, IV and control group.  Conclusion– The number of mitral cells and glomeruli decreased with advancing age which may be responsible for olfactory dysfunction.

Keywords :

olfactory bulb   mitral cells   glomeruli  

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Dr Monali D Sonawane, Dr Pravin Raghunath Rathod, Dr Aruna Mukherjee, Effect of Ageing On Number Of Mitral Cells And Glomeruli Of The Human Olfactory Bulb, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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