Volume : VII, Issue : I, January - 2018

Effect of activity based adolescence education on behaviour related to adolescent reproductive health of students at secondary level

Nabin Thakur, Dr. Sabita Prava Patnaik

Abstract :


This study was undertaken to find out the effect of activity based adolescence education on behaviour of students related to adolescent reproductive health. Its effect on boys and girls as well as rural and urban students were also found out. Experimental method was used for the study in which Pretest–posttest equivalent group design was implemented. 204 students were the sample of the study out of which 102 were included in control and 102 were in experimental group. Pre–test was administered to both the groups followed by intervention of different kind of activities to experimental group. The control group was taught in conventional way. After the intervention, post–test was administered to both the groups. Pre–test and post–test scores were calculated and mean gain between pre and post–test scores were analysed. Result revealed that there was significant difference between mean gain scores of experimental and control group on behaviour of students related to adolescent reproductive health. No significant difference was found between boys and girls as well as rural and urban adolescents with regard to behaviour in adolescent reproductive health when taught through activity based teaching method.

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Nabin Thakur, Dr. Sabita Prava Patnaik, Effect of activity based adolescence education on behaviour related to adolescent reproductive health of students at secondary level, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-1 | January-2018

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