Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Economic Analysis of Agricultural Production and Marketing of Munsyari Region

Geeta, Dr. Chhavi Arya

Abstract :


Johari Shoka traders of Munsyari used to have strong trading relationships with Tibet.  From ancient time agricultural, animal reå, trading with Tibet and wool industry is the base of economic life of Johari Shoka community. They always excelled in Tibet trading. Johari Shoka used to fulfill their daily needs through Tibet trading. Johari Shoka and Tibetan traders had very old relationship. Both community imported and exported trading goods. Tibetan traders exported wool, borax, all kinds of woolen goods, animals (sheep, goat, mule, dogs, horses) etc. to Shoka Johari traders and Shoka Johari traders used to export cereals (rice, pulses, wheat, millets),  potato, tobacco, sugar,  salt,  spices, cloths etc. Shoka traders could only exchange salt and borax for cereals. Tibetan traders had to pay cash for rest of the goods. No credit transaction was allowed to Tibetan traders. The main trading markets of Shoka traders were Munsyari, Ramnagar, Madkot, Tanakpur, Bageshwar etc. They used to travel impossible routes to reach out to markets which were very unsafe. Trades between Johari Shoka and Tibetan traders got extinct due to closing of Tibet trading in 1962. This led to social and economic decline among Johari communities.

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Economic Analysis of Agricultural Production and Marketing of Munsyari Region , Geeta, Dr. Chhavi Arya , PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-12 | December-2018

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