Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Distance Perception of differently sized Flash Cards: A Study of the Effect of Size on Visual Perception of Images

Ankita Kumari, Prof. Dr. K. Srikumar

Abstract :

 Flash cards are important tool for those dealing with language, like Speech Language Pathologists, Linguists, Psychologists and

Special Educators. There exist difference between the nature of use of flash cards among these professionals. When a flashcard
has to be presented to a child who might be having any difficulty which may limit his identification of the card, such as Visual
Impairment, Cognitive Impairment, Attention Deficit, Hyperactivity, Autism Spectrum Disorder etc, they should be of a minimum
quality for ease of identification. One of these quality is size. As explained by the Size Distance Invariance, the perceived size of an
object depends on the perceived distance and the perceived distance of an object may depend on its perceived size. Thus the
present study compares four different sizes for the depth perception. It was observed that 45% of total participants preferred the
most commonly used size for depth perception and 47.5% of participants preferred A5 size for fitting in the viewshed and
creating a comfortable sight. It can be concluded that both these sizes are of choice by their users and 90% of the participants
showed no perceptually significant difference between the two sizes. these sizes are of choice by their users and 90% of the
participants showed no perceptually significant difference between the two sizes.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Ankita Kumari, Prof. (Dr.) K. Srikumar, Distance Perception of differently sized Flash Cards: A Study of the Effect of Size on Visual Perception of Images, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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