Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Correlation of Cyto-histological Diagnosis in Nodular Hidradenoma- A Retrospective Study

Dr Renu Gupta, Dr Aditi Jha, Dr Swapnil Agarwal, Dr Pratima Khare

Abstract :

Introduction: Nodular hidradenomas are difficult to be diagnosed. The present study aims at finding a co–relation between cytological and histopathological diagnosis.

Methods:  All those histopathology diagnosed cases of Nodular Hidradenoma between Jan. 2012 to Dec. 2017, were analyzed for clinical and cytological diagnosis. Histopathological slides along with fresh slides made from paraffin embedded tissues were also reviewed.

Results: Amongst nine cases of Nodular hidrademona, there were eight adults and one child. The tumors were mainly confined to head and neck area and extremities. On FNAC, in five cases diagnosis of benign skin adnexal tumor was made while in four cases diagnosis of benign adnexal tumors with possibility of Nodular hidradenoma was suggested. Histopathology established the diagnosis of nodular hidradenoma in all the cases.

Conclusions: Nodular hidradenoma are difficult to be diagnosed on FNAC. Histopathology is the answer for final diagnosis.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Dr Renu Gupta, Dr Aditi Jha, Dr Swapnil Agarwal, Dr Pratima Khare, Correlation of Cyto-histological Diagnosis in Nodular Hidradenoma- A Retrospective Study, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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