Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Contribution and Development of Graphic Art in Odisha by Pioneer Printmakers of Odissa

Abhijit Kumar Mohanty

Abstract :

This study is based on the discovery and emphasizes on history, contribution and development of Odishan Printmaking, Odisha culture, visual and aesthetical expressions. Of course this is an educational documentation of Graphic art in Odisha.


The word Odishan printmaking sound very small, but it has a big history and character behind it. hear I am describing the printmaking trend that has been going on from the British period to contemporary world.


The credit for nurturing OdishanPrintmaking as an art goes to the legendarypioneersprintmakers speciallyAjitKeshery Ray, BanaBihariParida, D.N.Rao and Ramahari Jena. [2]

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Abhijit Kumar Mohanty, Contribution and Development of Graphic Art in Odisha by Pioneer Printmakers of Odissa, Odisha Graphic Art, Development Printmaking,Graphics Contribution.

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