Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Consumerisation of HR: A complete transformation of Human Resources

Prof. Amrita P. Taide, Prof. Sheetal Nafde

Abstract :

 India is vast & a highly populated country and the growing population is the major concern & considered as the principal obstacle to economic growth of the country. To achieve this growth, organizations not only needs to go global but also needs to survive in this competitive market. In order to survive companies need to have sufficient talent as their assets. Thus organizations are now viewing their employees as assets rather than liabilities. To win the global war of talent, managing this talent is increasingly becoming important for companies in India. This is because they need to fight harder for young talent and try to tap and manage new and existing talent sources more effectively.                                                 Its now time for the companies to realize that they just don’t need to attract and hire top talent, but they also need to retain and manage their existing Talent effectively to have a competitive advantage. Providing an opportunity to the employees to continue to grow and develop their professional and personal skills not only motivates the employees to take the job but also motivates them to stay in the organization for a fairly long time. In order to achieve this, companies are trying to ing transformation to human resources called as the “Consumerisation of HR”, a new strategy to Talent Management

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Consumerisation of HR: A complete transformation of Human Resources , Prof. Amrita P. Taide, Prof. Sheetal Nafde , PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-12 | December-2018

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