Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Comparison of reaction time between Hypertensive of age 40-60 years practising yoga and not practising yoga

Manjusha N Kawale

Abstract :

Background : Lifestyle related diseases such as coronary artery disease, obesity and hypertension are alarmingly on the rise in our modern society, yoga based lifestyle should be given a special place in preventing and managing these diseases.Hypertension is characterised by cognitive deficits.Yoga is mind–body technique which involves relaxation, meditation and a set of physical exercises performed in sync with eathing.

Methods: The study population size of 60, age and sex matched hypertensives, after a detailed history and anthropometric data collection were grouped into two groups : 

Group A–practising yoga from yoga training centre in panvel and Group B– not practising yoga from general population, Mumbai. Reaction time were recorded by using software cognitivefun.in.

Results: It was observed that hypertensive subjects practising yoga has less visual and auditory reaction time as compare to those who are not practising yoga. The comparison of reaction time was significantly different (p< 0.001 )between two groups which was suggestive better neuromuscular coordination of various physical,chemical and mechanical processes which decodes the visual and auditory stimuli reaching higher center via afferent pathway as a sensory stimuli in Group A as compared to Group B.

Conclusion: The present study therefore, indicated that yoga has a potential for strengthening of neurocognition in high risk people and if practised extensively can helpful with no side effects as a cost effective tool to reduce the morbidity in hypertensives.

Keywords :

Hypertension   Reaction time   Yoga   

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Manjusha N Kawale, Comparison of reaction time between Hypertensive of age 40-60 years practising yoga and not practising yoga , PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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