Volume : VII, Issue : X, October - 2018

Comparative Effect of Yogic Vs. Physical Exercises on Psycho-Physiological Health of Human Beings.

Ram Prakash Arneja, Dr. Vivek Maheshwari

Abstract :

People in generality these days consider that physical exercise is an acceptable method for securing physical fitness and health.  But there has also been a growing trend of belief that the yogic exercises have been proving better in this field especially after a conceptual change in the definition of health since the last century. This belief is also well supported by ever increasing evidence that Yoga provides not only physical fitness but also fitness in different aspects of the “overall health” as conceptualised these days.  This study surrounded around the two–way solution that is Yogic Exercises and Physical Exercises and is meant to draw a comparison between the two in order to facilitate adoption of either of the two or both depending on the circumstances, situations, and the requirements of the people at different stages of their lives or at a given point of time. As it was an attempt to compare the effect of Yogic and Physical Exercises, it has covered, inter–alia, points like difference between Yogic and Physical Exercises, All the comparative analysis made in this review study established the priority and preference for Yogic exercises over the Physical exercises.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Ram Prakash Arneja, Dr. Vivek Maheshwari, Comparative Effect of Yogic Vs. Physical Exercises on Psycho-Physiological Health of Human Beings., PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-10 | October-2018

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