Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

Comparative Effect of Yogic Practices and Conventional Conditioning Exercises on Motor Fitness of High School Boys

Ms. Manjulata Nayak, Sri Susanta Kumar Das, Sri Prasanta Kumar Giri

Abstract :

90 (Ninety) school boys were divided into three groups i.e., two experimental groups and one control group namely conventional exercise group, yogic exercise group and control group. Motor Fitness components as dependant variables were being measured prior to the application of training stimuli (conventional exercises, yogic exercises) and after twelve weeks of application of training stimuli all the subjects of three groups were being measured to know the effect training stimuli on motor fitness. The results of the study coincided with the general conception that yogic exercises improve cardio–vascular endurance and flexibility and conventional exercises help improve speed, agility, muscular strength and endurance of the players in a progressive manner.

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Ms. Manjulata Nayak, Sri Susanta Kumar Das, Sri Prasanta Kumar Giri, Comparative Effect of Yogic Practices and Conventional Conditioning Exercises on Motor Fitness of High School Boys, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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