Volume : VIII, Issue : VI, June - 2019

Clinico-Radiological Profile and Treatment Outcome of MDR TB Patients in Western Odisha

Suman Kumar Jagaty, Pravati Dutta, Rekha Manjhi, Sudarsan Pothal, Siladitya Mohankudo

Abstract :

Introduction: India ranks second in harbouring MDR–TB cases next to china with incidence of 184 per lakh population is 1, 2. In India MDR–TB levels of 1%to 3% in new cases and around 12% in retreatment cases9. MDR–TB is emerging burden for health care system. Clinical profile, radiological status and treatment outcome important tools for management of MDR–TB. My study assessing the clinical & radiological profile and emphasizing outcome of patients on treatment. Methodology: 115 Patients diagnosed as MDR TB at RNTCP accredited Culture & DST laboratory and admitted at DR–TB Centre,VSS MCH, Burla(Tertiary Care Hospital in Western Odisha ) during November 2013 to October 2015 were included in the study. Evaluation of patients was done by direct interview, treatment card, DST report, investigation reports and clinical examination. Results: In my study majority 74.78% patients were underweight. 73.9% patients did not have any addictions. Only 19% having co–morbidities among which DM (6.95%) was common. Majority of patients (67.82%) were from Cat–II failure group. Culture conversion by 3rd and 6th month occurred in 34(60.71%) and 51(91.07%) patients respectively. Most common presentation being cough. Pallor was the most common sign and anaemia being most common laboratory abnormalities. Cavitary lesion in chest X–ray was most common radiological pattern. Sputum culture conversion rate had no relation with radiological pattern of disease, initial sputum smears grading. 13 patients died 11 patients defaulted and 3 patients were declared as XDR. Conclusion: MDR TB is more common in young males, patients with low BMI and belongs to low socioeconomic group. Addictions and co–morbid illness are not risk factor for MDR TB. Treatment failure is a major risk factor for MDR TB. Socio–economic up gradation, health education, strengthening the programme, assuring strict adherence, newer methods to diagnose MDR TB, early institution of treatment, will improve the treatment outcome

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CLINICO-RADIOLOGICAL PROFILE AND TREATMENT OUTCOME OF MDR TB PATIENTS IN WESTERN ODISHA, Suman Kumar Jagaty, Pravati Dutta, Rekha Manjhi, Sudarsan Pothal, Siladitya Mohankudo PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-6 | June-2019

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