Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Clinical and radiological characterisation of adult bronchiectasis patients in a tertiary care hospital in Kanchipuram

Elayakumar. S. T, Arun Prasad, Srinivasan

Abstract :

Background:Bronchiectasis is a final result of many pulmonary and systemic conditions and an important cause of morbidity and mortality in children and adults. Aim: To describe the clinical characteristics, radiological and laboratory findings of non–cystic fiosis onchiectasis (NCFB)patients.Materials and methods:Prospective analysis of clinical, radiological and microbiological findings was done on 69 adult individuals diagnosed with non CF onchiectasis over a period of 1 year. Results: Idiopathic onchiectasis was the commonest (34%) followed by post TB and post infectiousaetiologies (27.5% each). The common clinical presentation was cough with sputum production (89.9%). Spirometry showed normal pulmonary function in 32% and obstructive pattern in 45%. Radiologically, cylindrical type was the commonest. Pseudomonas aeruginosawas the commonest organism (30.4%) isolated, with majority (76%) having poor lung function.Conclusion: Wide knowledge of the prevalent etiologies in a particular geographic area helps the clinician to effectively diagnose and treat these individuals.

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Elayakumar.S.T, Arun Prasad, Srinivasan, Clinical and radiological characterisation of adult bronchiectasis patients in a tertiary care hospital in Kanchipuram, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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