Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Cerebral Arterio-venous Malformation in Pregnancy

Dr. Anita Kumari, Dr. Brajesh Kumar

Abstract :



 It is difficult to outline the natural history of cereal AVM (Arterio–venous malformation) in pregnant women due to less number of cases. There is controversy regarding the issue if pregnancy increases the risk of haemorrhage from intracranial AVM or not. This review was performed to search the answers in different relevant published literatures.


A Pub Med and Google search using the terms “cereal arteriovenous malformation, pregnancy and treatment” was performed from the year 2007–2017. Clinical data regarding maternal age, parity, Gestational age, presenting symptoms at admission, obstetric management, postoperative complications, follow–up and maternal outcome were recorded from relevant abstracts and full article.


Result summarized in Table Format. (Table– 1)


Hemorrhagic presentation of cereal AVM was significantly associated with poor maternal outcome and surgical intervention in these cases can prevent rebleed. In case of unruptured case we counsel the patient regarding risk and we continue with the conservative management if risk factors (Increasing age, Deep location, Deep Venous drainage and previous haemorrhage). Pregnancy is not the risk factor for the haemorrhage in a woman without previous haemorrhage

Keywords :

AVM   Pregnancy   Haemorrhage  

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Dr. Anita Kumari, Dr. Brajesh Kumar, Cerebral Arterio-venous Malformation in Pregnancy, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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