Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Case report: Hookworm infection as a cause of melena and severe anemia

Dr Nasira Sheikh, Dr Mayuri Bhise, Dr Kishor Ingole, Dr Bhakti Chiluvery

Abstract :

In this study, a patient who was hospitalized with a severe anemia in the Medicine Ward of the Tertiary care center for one week is presented. The patient had generalized weakness, fatigue, paleness and giddiness for one month. Also patient complaint of blood in stool(Melena) since one year. Severe iron deficiency anemia was diagnosed in the patient by laboratory analyses.Patient did not improve despite being transfused with 2 units of packed RBC. Because there were no hematologic factors associated with severe anemia, the stool examination was also performed. Stool microscopy of the patient revealed numerous ova of hookworm. General condition of the patient well improved with anti–parasitic and anti–anemia treatment. It was concluded that patients with iron deficiency anemia diagnosed in health centers should be also examined for the neglected parasitic diseases encountered rarely, and physicians should consider non–endemic but neglected parasitic diseases in their provinces

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Dr Nasira Sheikh, Dr Mayuri Bhise, Dr Kishor Ingole, Dr Bhakti Chiluvery, Case report: Hookworm infection as a cause of melena and severe anemia, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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