Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2018


Dr. Shruthi C. Havaldar, Dr. V. M. Uppin, Dr. Madhu Pujar, Dr. Abhipsha Lahiri, Dr. Reshma Faras, Dr. Siddhi A. Shetye

Abstract :


Root canal sealers are used to attain impervious seal between the core material and root canal dentin. Most of the conventional root canal sealers have demonstrated inadequate biological activity and been cytotoxic in cultures especially when freshly mixed. Bioceramic sealers were developed to overcome these disadvantages and have been proved to show better clinical performance. They have several advantages like biocompatibility, non toxicity, dimensional stability and are bio–inert. Also during their setting, they produce Hydroxyapatite which posseses an intrinsic osteo–conductive activity and induces regenerative responses in the human body. Therefore this review aims to discuss the various bioceramic sealers and their classification, properties, advantages and disadvantages.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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BIOCERAMIC BASED ROOT CANAL SEALERS‾A REVIEW , Dr. Shruthi C. Havaldar, Dr. V. M. Uppin, Dr. Madhu Pujar, Dr. Abhipsha Lahiri, Dr. Reshma Faras, Dr. Siddhi A. Shetye , PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-12 | December-2018

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