Volume : VIII, Issue : IX, September - 2019


Gaikwad Nitin Shivaji, Gavit Manisha Pundlik

Abstract :

Vatavyadhi gets the prime importance in Ayurvedic classic, though it was prevalent in ancient time but these days this is increasing with rising of technology. People used to go towards urbanization, utilized technology which instead of making life comfortable develops a busy life and people are away from maintaining the Dinacharya, Ritucharya, Sadvritta etc. which increases the rate of Vatavyadhi. Although Vata is said to be dominant during the old age only, but in present in times, due to fast and busy life, stress, dietary habits, improper daily routine etc., vata is seen to be aggravated even in the young individuals. Vata is one of three dosha, but the diseases of Vatavyadhi is more in number than Pitta and Kapha dosha & separate chapters of it is described. There are 80 types of Vatavyadhi, but it may be many according to its location. From this point it can be seen that the Vatavyadhi is really an important Vyadhi. Ayurveda provides better solution in the forms of proper dietary management, lifestyle advises (Dincharya & Rutucharya), Panchkarma, Medicaments and Rejuvenation (Rasayana) therapies. Here we will explained the role of lifestyle practices to balance vata dosha for prevention of vatavyadhi.

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BALANCE VATA DOSHA WITH LIFESTYLE PRACTICES, Gaikwad Nitin Shivaji, Gavit Manisha Pundlik PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-9 | September-2019

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