Volume : VIII, Issue : X, October - 2019

Ayurvedic Management of Visham Jwara (Typhoid) in Sutika.

Vd. Brahmadande Pallavi R, Vd. Chandurkar Vivek S

Abstract :

Jwara is the most powerful ailment because it affects the whole body, senses and the mind due to Vikriti of Rasavahasrotas and Manavahasrotas. Visham Jwara is irregular in onset, dissimilar symtoms and last for a longer period. It is a type of Jwara with characteristic feature in the terms of Muktanubandhitva and Vishamatva in terms of Arambh, Kriya and Kala. Visham Jwara can be correlated with Typhoid, Dengue according to Modern depending upon its symptoms and signs. So in this case, it’s a Visham Jwara (typhoid) hence follows, A female patient aged 28yrs came to Kayachikitsa dept. presented with c/o low to high grade fever, bodyache, malaise, generalized fatigue, loss of appetite, myalgia, intermitted constipation with Typhoid report Positive. Though the patient was post–natal in phase (Sutika), hence described as Visham Jwara in Sutika, which not commonly seen. Treatment modalities applied in this case were, Aam Pachan, Strotoratnivarahan, Swedajanan, Dhatupushitkar. It was successfully treated by Ayurvedic medicine as per line of management explained in Samhita’s .

Keywords :

Jwara   Visham Jwara   Sutika   Typhoid  

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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AYURVEDIC MANAGEMENT OF VISHAM JWARA (TYPHOID) IN SUTIKA., Vd. Brahmadande Pallavi R, Vd. Chandurkar Vivek S PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-10 | October-2019

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