Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Ayurvedic management of type 2 Diabetes mellitus - A case study

Vd Prerana P. Jawale, Vd Soni Sunil Mishra

Abstract :

 Diabetes mellitus (DM) commonly referred as diabetes , is a group of metabolic disorder in which there is high blood sugar levels

over a prolnged period. Type 2 diabetes mellitus begins with insulin resistance, a condition in which cells fail to respond to insulin
properly. As the disease progresses a lack of insulin may also develop. There is growing evidence that the underlying determinants
of diabetes are a reflection of the major forces driving social, economic, and culture change, globalization, urbanization,
population aging and the general health policy environment. Since diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease for which there is no
known cure except in very specific situations. Management of this disease mainly concentrates on keeping blood sugar levels as
close to normal. Here Ayurveda being the science of life if followed properly encourages in proper management of diabetes
mellitus with proper medical procedures and medicines. Hereby presenting a case of newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus
patient treated completely using Ayurvedic principles.

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Vd Prerana P. Jawale, Vd Soni Sunil Mishra, Ayurvedic management of type 2 Diabetes mellitus‾A case study, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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