Volume : IX, Issue : III, March - 2020

Ayurvedic approach in management of Dadru Kushtha

Vd. Kiran Damoo Ubhe, Dr. Vishwajit N. Patil, Dr. Ritesh D. Damle

Abstract :

Skin is the largest organ of human body also it protects the body from invading pathogens. In Ayurveda all the skin diseases are considered under the Vyadhi Kushtha. All kushtha have Tridosha involvement but according to the types of kushtha their is predominance of particular doshas. Dadru kushtha is a type of kshudra kushtha according to Acharya Charaka, while Acharya Vagbhata and Acharya Sushruta mentioned it under Mahakushtha. Pitta–Kapha dosha are predominant in Dadru Kushtha. The present Case study is management of Dadru Kushtha through Ayurveda. A 28 year old female patient presented with erythamatous lesions over B/L lower limb (below knee) with severe itching, burning sensation, redness, irregular bowel evacuation since 1 month. She has taken allopathic medicine and got temporary relief. Ayurvedic treatment involved Arogyavardhini vati, Gandhaka Rasyana, Nimba Tail and Raktamokshana by Jalloukavacharana. A significant relief was seen in 4 weeks.

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AYURVEDIC APPROACH IN MANAGEMENT OF DADRU KUSHTHA, Vd. Kiran Damoo Ubhe, Dr. Vishwajit N. Patil, Dr. Ritesh D. Damle PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-3 | March-2020

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