Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Availability Of Services in Accordance with IPHS Guidelines 2012 at Subdistrict hospital Leh : A Crossectional Study.

Dr Yangchen Dolma

Abstract :


The  objective  of  the  study  was to assess the  service  delivery  component at facility  level as   per  IPHS  guidelines 2012. The  present  study was conducted  at  Khaltsi  block  of  Leh  district. Checklist  for  facility survey of  Sub district  hospital was  used for  assessment  of   facility based   services .It  was  based on observation and interview  of  the  staff  members. Surgery, paediatrics, radiologist and  ENT  facility   were  not  available .Minor  cases  are being managed by  ISM doctors and  other  consultant as  general duty  medical  officer was  not  available  at the  hospital. In  addition, there  was  no  provision  for other  services  like ICTC  and  USG facilities. Most of   the  ancillary  services   were  found to  be  in  accordance  with the existing  guidelines except  waste  management  and  handling . Infectious   and  hazardous  wastes  needs tie up  with Common biomedical  waste treatment  facility. Constitution  of infection  control  committee, setting  of blood  storage facility  and provision of  USG Facility  and ICTC  facility  should  be emphasized. Paediatrics  and surgeon   should  be  posted in  addition to  the  existing manpower  for  better  coverage  of  services and  to  improve  quality  of  care  and  up  gradation of  the facility .Training of  health workers  should  be  done from time  to  time.

Keywords :

IPHS   Services   Training   Standards   Quality  

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Dr Yangchen Dolma, Availability Of Services in Accordance with IPHS Guidelines 2012 at Subdistrict hospital Leh : A Crossectional Study., PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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