Volume : VIII, Issue : V, May - 2019


Manish L, Mruthunjai H, Namith P J, Pooja M S, Poornima Kamatagi

Abstract :

Physical, chemical and bacteriological analyses of water sampling from five bore wells located around landfill site at Mavallipura, Bengaluru was carry out to ascertain the magnitude of dumpsite pollution on groundwater quality. During study stop, 4 Bore wells were located around the landfill area at an aloofness of 300, 40 0, 600 and 800m. . The analysis was done for four months from January – April. The parameters analyzed during the study period were Conduction, pH , turbidity, Dissolved oxygen (DO), Biochemical oxygen demand(BOD), COD, Total dissolved solids (TDS), Sum Hardness, Total alkalinity , Nitrates, Fluorides, Chlorides , Most Probable number (MPN) and heavy metal such as Lead using standard laboratory procedures. The pH ranged from 6.48 to 8.89 except S1 which is alkaline in nature, the turbidity values ranged from 1 to 58.5 NTU. Tightness of Hardness from 56– 2890 mg/l, TDS as 311– 7117mg/l, Conductivity as 0.47– 10.95 mho, DO from 0– 8.5 mg/l, BOD from 18– 271 mg/l, COD as 16– 2655 mg/l, chlorides as 32– 2880 mg/l, Nitrates from 5–58mg/l, fluorides from 0.29– 21 mg/l and MPN values are varied the most from 0– 161. As these ranges when compared to the standards of drinking water, the samples S1 and S2 are seriously affected. The resultant showed that the other samples were contaminated by E–Coli bacteria; prescribed by WHO and Bureau of Indian standards for drinking water. As the true sample was also collected at 1.5km distance from the landfill area and tested for the parameters, showed that the groundwater taint has been reduced as the distance from the landfill gain

Keywords :

contamination   parameters   distance   comparison   etc  

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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ASSESSMENT OF GROUNDWATER NEAR WASTE DUMPING YARDS, Manish L, Mruthunjai H, Namith P J, Pooja M S, Poornima Kamatagi PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-5 | May-2019

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