Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2018

Assessment of Doctor's Perception towards Medical representatives

Prof. Ajay Gidwani

Abstract :

 Personal selling is one the most effective medium of promotional techniques. Personal selling in pharmaceutical industry is done through missionary selling i.e. medical representatives (MR). The role of MR is to create awareness of his product and convince doctor about the benefits of his and. But over a period of time, it has become difficult for MR’s to take time from the Doctors, as they have become quite busy with their patients and many MR’s are visiting them at the same time.  Moreover, due to immense competition and me–too–ands, it is difficult for the Doctor’s to remember and prescribe a particular and. Therefore, it is important for MR’s to understand, as to how effectively they can convince them to prescribe their ands.

The present study aims to improve the effectiveness of medical representatives by finding out the expectations of Doctors from them. 

A semi–structure questionnaire was distributed to 55 doctors, which include 35 Physicians, 13 Family physicians (GP), 05 Cardiologist and 02 Dialectologists. The questionnaire includes both Close and Open ended questions.

It was concluded from the study that for increasing effectiveness, Medical representative should be regular in his Visits with Right Frequency. He should possess good Communication skills; update himself with adequate Knowledge of Disease, Drugs and product. It is desirable for him to be a science graduate or at least have D–Pharmacy degree. It was also revealed that sponsorship for conference was widely accepted as one of the most widely accepted promotional tool by doctors

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Assessment of Doctor's Perception towards Medical representatives , Prof. Ajay Gidwani , PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2018

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