Volume : IX, Issue : VI, June - 2020


Kumar Madhav, Avneesh Sheil, Singh Ruchi, Jha Aandrei J, Kumar Tushar

Abstract :

OBJECTIVES The aim of the retrospective study is to assess results of the surgical treatment for pulmonary aspergilloma and to prove that early complete surgical resection can provide effective outcome for these patients. MATERIALS AND METHOD From 2017 to 2018, patients underwent thoracotomy for treatment of pulmonary aspergilloma . The most common indication for operation was hemoptysis (82%), asymptomatic (18%). Underlying diseases were tuberculosis (95%), onchiectasis (5%). The procedures were lobectomy (74%), segmentectomy (12%), wedge resection (9%). RESULTS Postoperative complications occurred in 15% of the patients including: empyema, bleeding, wound infection and onchopleural fistula. CONCLUSION We recommend early surgical complete resection of symptomatic aspergilloma and even asymptomatic cases resulting in good outcome.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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ASPERGILLOMA:EARLY SURGICAL RESECTION-A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY, Kumar Madhav, Avneesh Sheil, Singh Ruchi, Jha Aandrei J, Kumar Tushar PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-6 | June-2020

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