Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Approval Motive and Perceived Family Environment Vis-a-Vis Nuclear and Joint Family - A Study on home-makers and working women

Mrs. Debashree Sinha, Prof. Swaha Bhattacharya

Abstract :


Aim of the present investigation is to study the approval motive and perceived family environment as expressed by the home–makers and working women belonging to nuclear and joint families at Kolkata. Accordingly, 120 women (60 from nuclear and 60 from joint families) were selected as sample in this investigation. A General Information Schedule, Approval Motive Scale and Perceived Family Environment Questionnaire were used as tools. Both qualitative and quantitative analyses were done. The findings revealed that approval motive as expressed by working women belonging to both nuclear and joint families are very low. On the contrary, approval motive of home–makers belonging to joint families is high and those belonging to nuclear families are at moderate level. On the other hand, both home–makers and working women belonging to nuclear and joint families expressed different opinions in connection with the existing family environment. Adequate measures may be taken for healthy living considering the problems faced by both home–makers and working women.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Approval Motive and Perceived Family Environment Vis-a-Vis Nuclear and Joint Family‾A Study on home-makers and working women , Mrs. Debashree Sinha, Prof. Swaha Bhattacharya , PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-12 | December-2018

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