Volume : VIII, Issue : I, January - 2019


Villacres David, Pablo Moreno, Juan Paz Y Mino, Karla Sandoval, Lynda Sandoval, Selene Pallo, Camino Armando

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION. For most people, talking about cancer means mortality, entering a world of procedures that affect both the patient and their family environment, which leads to changes in emotional distress; mainly depression and anxiety. METOLOGY A descriptive study of patients hospitalized in the clinical oncology service of the Hospital "Gral. Solón Espinosa Ayala "SOLCA–QUITO, both oncological and palliative patient during the months March to July 2018 in those who were evaluated with the GAD–7 questionnaire. RESULTS 48% of the individuals surveyed presented some level of anxiety while 52% of the individuals did not present it. DISCUSSION. The oncological patient requires an integrated management team, both oncological and mental health, to cope with the emotional problems that this disease ings.

Keywords :

Cancer   palliative   anxiety   GAD–7   Ecuador  

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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ANXIETY IN THE ONCOLOGICAL PATIENT IN QUITO-ECUADOR, Villacres David, Pablo Moreno, Juan Paz y Mino, Karla Sandoval, Lynda Sandoval, Selene Pallo, Camino Armando PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-1 | January-2019

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