Volume : VIII, Issue : XI, November - 2019


Maria Diana Canarte Santana, Gabriela Claudio Pombosa, Paola Claudio Pombosa, Lucia Maza Suarez, Ana Pachacama Barros, Andres Benavides Zuniga, Teresa Puebla Silva, Luis Francisco Llerena

Abstract :

INTRODUCTION: For most people speaking of cancer means mortality, entering a world of medical procedures that affect both the patient and his family environment, which leads to changes in emotional distress; mainly depression and anxiety. METHOD: A cross–sectional descriptive study of palliative patients during the months of March to July of 2018, in whom the GAD–7 questionnaires was evaluated. RESULTS: The 55% of palliative patients have some degree of anxiety, being higher in women than in men DISCUSSION: The palliative patients require an integrated management team to achieve a good death, as well as family and family support.

Keywords :

Cancer   palliative   anxiety   Quito     

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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ANXIETY IN PALLIATIVE PATIENTS IN A HOSPITAL OF QUITO-ECUADOR, Maria Diana Canarte Santana, Gabriela Claudio Pombosa, Paola Claudio Pombosa, Lucia Maza Suarez, Ana Pachacama Barros, Andres Benavides Zuniga, Teresa Puebla Silva, Luis Francisco Llerena PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-11 | November-2019

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