Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Anterior neck lipoma at unusual location, clinically simulating a thyroid swelling: a case report

Dr. Kc Prasad, Dr Anjali Pk, Dr Indu Varsha G, Dr Prathyusha Koneru

Abstract :


Lipoma are the commonest mesenchymal tumors, 50 % of all soft tumors. Even though they can occur anywhere at fat is present,
anterior part of the neck is rare. Lipoma in head and neck region is only 13% and is rare.[1] if occurs most commonly it occurs in
posterior neck space. There even studies to show lipoma in the intra parotid gland also adhering to sternocleidomastoid
muscle.[2] but anterior neck space is rare location
A 30 year old healthy man came with a history of mass in the anterior aspect of neck since 1.5 years, painless, gradually
progressive without any changes in the overlying skin. This was the first visit to the hospital as he was comfortable with the
swelling except for the cosmetic reasons. He did not have any history of dysplasia, hoarseness of voice, eathing difficulty. No
history of trauma, radiation to neck or hypo or hyperthyroidism features.
Lipoma being the most common soft tissue tumor occurs in 40–60 years with equal gender distributions(4). If lipoma is benign can
be present at head and neck region but very rarely. Clinical appearance can be variable showing pedunculated, sessile or even
with surface bisection. (5) The site of tumor decides the clinical presentation like dyspnea, cough, palpitation(6).
When its present in the anterior aspect of neck chance of misdiagnosis is must to differentiate it from thyroid swellings, with
preferable treatment of choice excision. One more treatment option can be liposuction for lipomas, makes it more inevitable to
have a perfect diagnosis and not dilemmas.

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Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Dr. KC Prasad, Dr Anjali PK, Dr Indu varsha G, Dr Prathyusha Koneru, Anterior neck lipoma at unusual location, clinically simulating a thyroid swelling: a case report , PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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