Volume : VII, Issue : IX, September - 2018

An Evaluation of Intraoperative Analgesia with Low Dose Ketamine for Lower Abdominal Surgery

Col Dr Sanil Mohan, Lt Col Dr Amit Dua

Abstract :

Ketamine, a dissociative anaesthetic agent was introduced with a hope of it being a monoanaesthetic which will emcompass all properties of a balanced anaesthetic but it fell into disrepute because of its adverse effects at hypnotic doses. Newer research into its mode of action and different dosages has recommended its use in subhypnotic doses causing minimal side effects. We conducted a prospective study of 75 pts coming for a lower abdominal surgery in which each group consisting of 25 pts received a different intraop analgesic. Therefore ketamine given in low doses(0.50 mG/kg bolus and 0.25mG/kg as required) was compared with morphine and pentazocine for intraop and postop analgesia. We concluded that ketamine in lower doses gives comparable analgesia as compared to conventional opioids without causing any significant side effects.

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Col (Dr) Sanil Mohan, Lt Col (Dr) Amit Dua, An Evaluation of Intraoperative Analgesia with Low Dose Ketamine for Lower Abdominal Surgery, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-9 | September-2018

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