Volume : IX, Issue : VI, June - 2020

An Epidemiological Analysis: Rapidly Spreading COVID-19 Infection During Lockdown Phase 2.0 in India

Rupali Roy, P K Modak, Rajeev S Kushwaha, Farhat Jahan, Usharani R, Madhumita Ghosh, Md. Selim, P K Chakraborty, Haroon Ali S

Abstract :

Introduction: Coronavirus has become pandemic around the globe recently. India has also become one of the top affected country and is struggling to control its spread through various strategies. Government of India is taking all necessary steps to face the challenge and threat posed by the growing pandemic during second phase of lockdown. Present study will reveal the morbidity and mortality analysis of existing national and international data of COVID–19 infection during the Lockdown phase 2.0 in India till 3rd May, 2020. Materials and Methods: This epidemiological study showed secondary analysis of existing national and international data of COVID–19 infection. Results: In present situation, Indian states has IR of 2.1/lakhs and CDR of 0.07/lakhs whereas, RR was found 32% with CFR of 3.3%. Among high risk infected states IR rate was found 3.4/lakhs and CDR was found 0.12/ lakhs while RR found 31% and CFR was found 3.4%. Discussion: The transmission of COVID–19 infection in India was also highly restricted during this phase. Spreading of infection among high risk states are mainly due to their higher population density with having many financial and business hubs. The lack of rapid and self–testing kits for detection of Covid–19 might result with many positive cases going undetected and unreported. Concept of social distancing and increase of social awareness among the people played a major contribution for slowdown and minimizing this pandemic. Conclusion: The lack of awareness about the pandemic and laid–back attitude among certain sections of highly densified Indian population towards this disease has made the task really difficult in controlling in real situation.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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AN EPIDEMIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS: RAPIDLY SPREADING COVID-19 INFECTION DURING LOCKDOWN PHASE 2.0 IN INDIA, Rupali Roy, P K Modak, Rajeev S Kushwaha, Farhat Jahan, Usharani R, Madhumita Ghosh, Md. Selim, P K Chakraborty, Haroon Ali S PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-6 | June-2020

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