Volume : VII, Issue : XI, November - 2018

Alkaline extraction of Xylan from agro waste and determining Xylooligosaccharide (XOS) using enzymatic hydrolysis.

Abnita Thakuria, Mini Sheth

Abstract :

 In India, an estimated amount of 120–150 million tons of agro wastes remains as  surplus per year which can be potentially used to produce various value added products like bio fuels, animal feeds, enzymes etc. These can be utilized to manufacture several value based products including Xylooligosaccharide (XOS) which may exhibit prebiotic effect when consumed regularly. The objective of this study was to quantify the XOS present in selected agro waste namely corncob, green pea shells, raw green banana, and orange peels. Alkaline extraction method was used to determine Xylan from these agro wastes and further XOS was extracted using enzymatic hydrolysis and was quantified using HPLC. The XOS yielded from crude xylan of corncob, orange peels, raw green banana, and green pea shells were 91.11% (1.8g), 92.36% (1.41g), 95.05% (1.01g), and 92.40% (0.79g), respectively at (p≤0.01). Hence, the study revealed a possibility of extracting XOS from different agro waste

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Alkaline extraction of Xylan from agro waste and determining Xylooligosaccharide (XOS) using enzymatic hydrolysis. , Abnita Thakuria, Mini Sheth , PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-11 | November-2018

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