Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

Alkaline Diet: An answer to most modern so called

Dr. Vidushi Agrawal

Abstract :

 As in my last article, published on May 1, 2018, I mentioned that Alkaline Diet is one of my favorite topics and covered the topic of

Milk, why shouldn‘t one consume milk; however, one can consume Curd / Yoghurt & Cottage Cheese / Paneer, even though they
leave an acidic ash behind. Because any diet should not be just 100% alkaline, it should always be in the ratio of Alkaline: Acidic –
80:20. Hence, we should be choosing appropriate acidic food also to consume
In this article, I am covering the topic on the myths & reality on consumption of Visible Oil / Fat in different forms with various
scientific research links in the end of the paper.
I would also conclude the article by a case where in a 17 year old female, due to disturbed eating pattern how she was suffering
from problems like hyperlipidemia, hypothyroidism, in turn affecting her menstrual cycle with total amenorrhea, and how an
alkaline diet, without the intervention of any medicine, could ing all her processes back to normal cycle from a disturbed cycle
Already, the topic of Alkaline Acidic Environment within the body has been touched upon the in my previous article hence; I would
directly start with the reality on consumption of Visible Fat
However, I would like to reiterate on the food, that I generally ask my patients to avoid or reduce. The list is as below:
1. Milk (can continue with Curd and Paneer) – (https://www.worldwidejournals.com/international–journal–of–scientificresearch–(
IJSR)/issues.php?m=May&y=2018&id=81 – search for Vidushi / Alkaline)
2. Wheat & wheat products
3. Rice & rice products
4. Oil / Ghee / butter / Visible Fat in any form
5. Reduce Dal and Non Veg food to twice a week (both included – also depending upon the age and exercise module) and
6. Processed foods

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Dr. Vidushi Agrawal, Alkaline Diet: An answer to most modern so called , PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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