Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Alkaline Diet - an answer to most modern so called Life Style Diseases PART 4: Internal Factors affecting Hair Loss and how to reduce / avoid them

Dr. Vidushi Agrawal

Abstract :

 Hair loss is one of the most frustrating issues. It is understood there are several reasons which may cause hair loss or hair thinning;

already discussed in the last article published on July 13th, 2018. We read about the external factors that can lead to hair loss and
how to overcome them considering all internal factors in the body or reasons to be in place. However, we also know that in today‘s
arena, the main reason (80%) for hair loss is disruption of internal factors and (20%) the external factors. Definitely, it once again
boils down to correct ratio of Alkaline: Acidic Diet of 80%: 20%. Let us evaluate what are the main reasons for hair loss within the
body that get disturbed hence leading to hair loss. Also, is there a way that we can try to overcome them and minimize hair loss by
inclusion of specific things in our daily meals? In this article, I shall highlight on How Internal Factors Or Hormones Are Responsible
For The Process Of Thinning of Hair / Balding To Set In & How We Can Try To Overcome Or Minimize Them. There is another
process that is of “Hair Transplant” in so much fashion today; however despite all tests being performed the success ratio is still
not 100%, besides we will see if there are any side effects of the treatment. In this article, I do not have any case to represent (as
people never considered a healthy diet option to get back hair or prevent or minimize hair fall), however this article will definitely
give you an insight, the required information and awaken you as a reader on its different aspects

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Dr. Vidushi Agrawal, Alkaline Diet‾an answer to most modern so called Life Style Diseases PART 4: Internal Factors affecting Hair Loss and how to reduce / avoid them, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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