Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

Agricultural input subsidies in India

Shilpa Sree R, Dr Baasavaraj S Benni

Abstract :

 Indian government providing income support to the agricultural sector and larger food self–sufficiency for poor consumers. The

government of India uses several of policy instruments to achieve those goals. Domestic subsidies to inputs, outputs, storage and
consumption to reduce producer costs of production and consumption prices, and transportation. Such as subsidies measures the
tariffs, quotas and non–tariff measures to protect the domestic producers from import competition, manage domestic price levels
and domestic supply. Since the input subsidies are one of the most expensive aspects of India‘s food and agriculture policy regime
requiring a steadily larger budget share. Indian government gives input subsidies to agricultural sector in an attempt to keep farm
costs low and production high. The main intension of Indian government is for the farmers to benefit from/lower cost, but also for
them to pass some of the savings on to the consumers in the form of lower than food prices. The Indian government pays fertilizer
producer directly in exchange for the companies selling fertilizer lower than market prices. Irrigation and electricity, on the other
hand, are supplied directly to farmers by government at price that is below the cost of production. The input subsidies can also
produce unintended effects and growth in non– product specific support. In this present study examine the input subsidies and
growth in non–product support (power, fertilizers, irrigation) in 1980–81 to 2020–2021. Result of this study is growth in nonproduct
support was increasing significantly. This study based on secondary data collected from various report, ministry of
statistics, ministry of agriculture, ministry of agriculture and farmer welfare, directorate of economics and statistics, ministry of
finance. Suggest government policy in this study.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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Shilpa Sree R, Dr Baasavaraj S Benni, Agricultural input subsidies in India, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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