Volume : IX, Issue : VII, July - 2020

A Study on Profile of Drowning Cases at J.L.N.Medical College, Ajmer

Dr. Vishva Deepak Bijawat, Dr. Binaca Gandhi, Dr. Ankit Kumawat, Dr. Ravi Kumawat

Abstract :

Drowning cases are dealt in casualties by the treating doctors or in the mortuary by the autopsy surgeon. Our aim was to obtain a statistical profile of survivors and dead persons among victims of drowning and to develop predictive study for factors associated and affecting incidences of drowning and affecting their prognosis and medicolegal stigma associated with drowning as well. The present prospective & observational study was carried out in the Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology, J.L.N.Medical College, Ajmer in cooperation with Department of Medicine & Pediatrics as well. The total number of cases studied were 105 (83 died due to drowning and 22 initial alive victim of drowning). The study reveals that the drowning is more common in males than their female counterpart while accidental drowning in children imposes no differences in sex ratio. Lastly several preventive measures are needed to be taken not only by the administration at water spots but also by the family members in solving family problems, depression etc.

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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A STUDY ON PROFILE OF DROWNING CASES AT J.L.N.MEDICAL COLLEGE, AJMER, Dr. Vishva Deepak Bijawat, Dr. Binaca Gandhi, Dr. Ankit Kumawat, Dr. Ravi Kumawat PARIPEX-INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-9 | Issue-7 | July-2020

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