Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

A Study on factors influence the Selection of Multimodal Transport

M. Suganya, Dr. V. Sivakumar

Abstract :

Multimodal transport is a concept that places the liability for transport activities under one operator, who  co–ordinates   and manages the whole task from the consignor’s door to the customer’s doorguaranteeing  the constant movement of the freight along the best way in order to satisfy the shippers requirements of delivery. Carriers and shippers have been choosing modes and routes for general goods for long time .Their decisions are made for a lot of reasons that have changed considerably over the recent years in response to deregulation of transportation modes and general economic conditions. Influence on these decisionsincludes administrative requirements and conventional industry practices.

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M.Suganya, Dr.V.Sivakumar, A Study on factors influence the Selection of Multimodal Transport, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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