Volume : VIII, Issue : II, February - 2019


Apurva Khare, Ashutosh Kumar, Bhupendra Ratre

Abstract :

Infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in cancer patients. The risk of infections is principally related to the intensity and duration of the immunosuppressive chemotherapy. The study was conducted on 50 patients documented as having cancer and who were admitted in J.K Hospital and Research Center, Bhopal from the period 1st March 2016 to 1st March 2018. Incidence of infections was found to be 26% (13 out of 50 patients) in our study. A large proportion of patients included in this study belonged to age group of 45– 54 years (12 = 24%) and males were 21 (42%) and females were 29 (58%). Hematological malignancies were most common malignancies, present in 26(52%) patients, and solid tumors in 24 (48%) patients.Chemotherapy plus radiotherapy were the commonest mode of anticancer therapy (72%). All the patients (n=50) had decreased neutrophil counts of varying severity. Respiratory system as most frequently involved (54%), followed by gastrointestinal (22%), genitourinary (14%), and others (12%). Gram negative organisms were most frequently isolated (8=61.53%), followed by gram positive organisms (4 = 30.76%) in which Staphylococcus aureus was the only organism isolated. Acid fast bacilli i.e. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was isolated in one case (7.69%). Mortality rate was 4% as out of 50 patients, 2 died.

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A STUDY OF INFECTION PROFILE IN CANCER PATIENTS, Apurva Khare, Ashutosh Kumar, Bhupendra Ratre PARIPEX - INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-2 | February-2019

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