Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

A rare case of Theco-fibroma

Bijan Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Saswati Mukhopadhyay

Abstract :


A patient of 70 years age came with complaint of retention of urine on and off and lower abdominal pain for 2 years. Pain abdomen was intermittent and dragging type. Attained menopause 20 years back, P4L2D2 – all are FTND at home. LCB – 45Years. General condition fair, pallor present.  No Cyanosis, icterus , clubbing. PR –78 /mint, BP–140/80mm of Hg, Chest – Bilateral air entry clear, CVS—S1 and S2 audible . Further, per abdomen examination indicated a mass corresponding to the size of 22–24 week of gravid uterus, solid and stony hard in consistency, fixed, not mobile from side to side as well as above downwards. Lower margin could not be felt. Flank was full, no fluid thrill or shifting dullness. Per vagina examination revealed that atrophied, small polyp coming out from cervix and a stony hard mass corresponding 22–24 week size of gravid uterus.  USG report showed a large mass of size 9.6x8.4x6.5cm arising from pelvis.  Right hydronephrosis is seen due to mass compression, it was reported to be large fioid with hydronephrosis. X–ray revealed soft tissue shadowing in pelvic cavity extending in to the abdomen and diagnosed as – pelvic soft tissue mass? Fioid?? Ovarian Mass??. Based on these it was planned for total abdominal hysterectomy. During operation it was found that it was a solid ovarian tumour of weight 900gm, stony hard in consistency, benign in nature. Mass sent for histopathological examination on histopathology it was confirmed as Theco–fioma.

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Bijan Kumar Mukhopadhyay, Saswati Mukhopadhyay, A rare case of Theco-fibroma, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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