Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

A description of leadership and motivation towards the application of safety culture

Sri Fawziyah

Abstract :

Patient safety culture has not been optimal yet, as evidenced by the culture of reporting and information culture and learning culture that has not been working properly. As a result, policy–makers in hospitals are unaware of warnings of potential hazards that may occur. The purpose of this research is to know the relationship of head of room leadership and nurse motivation with the application of patient safety culture. This research used cross sectional study approach with 76 research samples, taken using simple random sampling technique. the results of this study show that most of the patient safety culture is not only the responsibility of the nurse but the entire hospital. The results of this study illustrate that most respondents considered the leadership of the head of the room less effective, for the motivation of the nurse itself mostly in the low category while the application of patient safety culture is still not good. Therefore, it is necessary to provide motivation in the form of rewards to the implementing nurses in applying patient safety, and to provide punishment to implementing nurses who do not implement patient safety and provide special patient safety training.

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Sri Fawziyah, A description of leadership and motivation towards the application of safety culture, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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