Volume : VII, Issue : III, March - 2018


Dr. Sunil Kumar Mahavar, Dr. Mayank Gupta, Dr. H. C. Barjatiya

Abstract :

 WHO has labeled obesity a global epidemic. A world heath report– 2017 estimated that 1.9 billion adult people worldwide were overweight and of these 650 million were obese. Obesity can result from hypothyroidism because of decreased calorie needs. This study was conducted to study the prevalence of thyroid disorders in obese subjects of either sex or age. 100 obese subjects in the age group 21–60 years of either sex with their weight of 130% of upper limit of predicted weight for their age or BMI>30 kg/m2 were included. Serum FT3, FT4 & TSH levels were measured by radio immunoassay. Minimum 10 (71.4%) hypothyroid patients had high risk class I obesity with BMI of 30–35 and only 4 (28.57%) hypothyroid patients had very high risk class II obesity. This study concludes that obesity increases the risk of hypothyroidism, which is more common among younger females than males

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Dr. Sunil Kumar Mahavar, Dr. Mayank Gupta, Dr. H.C. Barjatiya, A CLINICAL STUDY OF THYROID DYSFUNCTION IN OBESE PATIENTS, PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-3 | March-2018

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