Volume : VIII, Issue : IV, April - 2019

A case report on unilateral variation of Pectoralis minor muscle

Mithanthaya Seetharama, Sutariya Manoj, Shah Rutva, Patel Archana, Murli Ram

Abstract :

During routine anatomical dissection variation in the origin of pectoralis minor was noticed. The muscle was originating from 2nd to 4th ribs. The muscle inserted into medial border & upper surface of coracoid process of scapula & supplied by medial & lateral pectoral nerve. Variation of muscular attachment will play major role in surgical procedure. The reports & documentation of the anatomical variants will be useful for the researchers, clinicians & surgeons

Article: Download PDF    DOI : https://www.doi.org/10.36106/paripex  

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A CASE REPORT ON UNILATERAL VARIATION OF PECTORALIS MINOR MUSCLE, Mithanthaya Seetharama, Sutariya Manoj, Shah Rutva, Patel Archana, Murli Ram PARIPEX‾INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH : Volume-8 | Issue-4 | April-2019

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