IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-9-8-26575 Original Research Paper Jejunal diverticulosis is not only an incidental finding but may mimic malignancy and causes Diagnostic Dilemma : A case series study and review of literature Anil Kumar Choudhary Dr. Dr. S. N. Singh Dr. August 2020 9 8 01 02 ABSTRACT

Jejunal diverticulosis is a rare entity. Although it is a benign condition but it may mimic like a malignant condition. Symptoms such as malabsorption, anemia, weight loss, loss of appetite, pain abdomen with gastrointestinal obstruction and bleedings mimics symptoms of malignancy. The incidence is common in elderly patient with male preponderance. Jejunum could not be visualized by endoscopy makes the diagnosis even more difficult. This condition gets rarely diagnosed preoperatively. It gets diagnosed incidentally during laprotomy for acute abdomen or on gastrointestinal radiological contrast study. Resection of the involved segment and anastomosis either jejuno–jejunal or jejuno–ileal is the treatment of choice. The diagnosis is very difficult because it cannot be seen by endoscope and sometimes remains undiagnosed causing unnecessary morbidity and mortality to patient. . It is an important entity and not just an incidental finding. One should keep jejunal diverticulosis in mind if an elderly patient presents with symptoms of gastrointestinal malignancy and in spite of all investigation diagnosis could not be made