IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-9-8-26500 Original Research Paper EFFECTIVENESS OF INFORMATION BOOKLET ON PREVENTION & MANAGEMENT OF GENITAL TRACT INJURIES AMONG STAFF NURSES Manohar Dr. August 2020 9 8 01 02 ABSTRACT

Genital tract trauma is common following vaginal childbirth, & perineal pain is a frequent symptom reported by new mothers. Women, who have spontaneous vaginal births & minimal or no genital tract trauma, have the best health postpartum. Such women have the fewest hospital readmissions for post delivery morbidity, less perineal pain, better sexual function, less depression, & optimum functional status. Therefore, a study was done to evaluate the effectiveness of information booklet on prevention & management of Genital Tract Injuries among staff nurses. An evaluative approach with pre experimental one group pre test posttest design was used for the study. 40 staff nurses were selected from Bombay Hospital, Indore & District Hospital, Indore, by using non–probability purposive sampling technique. A structured knowledge questionnaire was used to collect the data. Pre test was administered to the participants using structured knowledge questionnaire. After pre test researcher distributed Information Booklet on prevention & management of Genital Tract Injuries to the participants. After 4 days of intervention the investigator administered the posttest to assess the level of knowledge of staff nurses using the same structured knowledge questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive & inferential statistics. There was no significant association of the pretest knowledge score with socio demographic variable at p < 0.05 level of significance. The mean posttest (16.3) was greater than the mean pretest (5.6) knowledge scores. There was significant difference between pretest & posttest knowledge score. Thus the study justified that information booklet was highly effective (t (39) = 18.47 p<0.05) in improving the knowledge of staff nurses regarding prevention & management of genital tract injuries