IJSR International Journal of Scientific Research 2277 - 8179 Indian Society for Health and Advanced Research ijsr-9-8-26497 Original Research Paper CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC: A BRIEF OVERVIEW Kaur Dardi Dr. August 2020 9 8 01 02 ABSTRACT

The modern–day pandemic has created havoc among the people, government & health care sector. Globally, more than 13 million people have been affected & almost 6 million have lost their lives. India has one of the lowest fatality rates in the world. The basic reproduction number (R0) of India is1.22. Causative organism is a novel coronavirus– SARS–CoV–2. Incubation period is from 2–14 days. Common symptoms are Fever, Cough, Fatigue, Anorexia, Dyspnoea, Myalgia, and Loss of smell, vomiting, diarrhoea. Severe complications can be seen in aged or people having comorbidities leading to death. SARS–CoV–2 is spherical enveloped, +ssRNA. It binds to receptor ACE2 on human cells by its spike. The main replicase–transcriptase protein, RdRp is able to block the host innate immune response. Viral infection produces an excessive immune reaction, causing extensive tissue damage –‘cytokine storm’. Transmission amongst humans occurs via respiratory droplets within a range of about 6 ft or by contact with contaminated surface. Aerosol transmission is limited to close contacts. For diagnosis, RT–PCR of respiratory secretions is done and RdRp is target gene. Rapid Ag detection test has a very high specificity. IgG Antibody test is done only for surveillance. Other laboratory findings are Increased CRP, procalcitonin, ferritin, coagulation disorders. Radiological tests– Chest X–ray, CT scan, Lung ultrasound are helpful. Multisectoral efforts for prevention, containment and management of COVID–19 are showing encouraging results and increasing gap between recoveries and active cases. Enhanced focus is on Test, Trace, and Treat. Researchers globally are in search of a cure, treatment or vaccine to stop the spread of this menace. When and how– mankind will defeat corona only time will tell.